Medihoney ProdukteMedihoney Moisturising Cream gives you a dermatological moisturising cream, with active manuka honey, aloe vera, and chamomile.
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Medihoney Products - Comvita - Comvita.MediHoney® Calcium Alginate Dressing contains 95% active Leptospermum honey in a calcium alginate pad. The honey is released as the alginate absorbs wound fluid. günstig bei apo-rot bestellen. Über 100.000 Artikel reduziert! Medihoneysales is an Authorize Distributor of Medihoney Advance Wound Care Products. We are committed to providing quality healthcare products that clearly meet the The Medihoney brand incorporates a leading range of wound and burn dressings for medical professionals as well as first-aid and skincare products for everyday family use. The Medihoney brand incorporates a range of skincare products such as eczema cream, barrier cream, gentle body lotion and gentle body wash. Buy medihoney products
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MediHoney® Calcium Alginate Dressing |.Apinate Manuka Honey Dressings - Special UMF® Manuka Honey, sterilised, on a ready to use dressing. Produced by Comvita, and CE marked. Easy & convenient for you.
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